Tape often ends up being one of the most useful and inexpensive tools on a construction site. Tapes are perfect for holding up plastic sheeting for dust control, protecting easily damaged surfaces, and fixing minor mistakes. There are many different kinds of tapes used on construction sites and each has a different purpose. Following is a brief analysis regarding which tapes work best for various construction applications.
Painter's Masking Tape: The most common tape found on a job site. While Painter's tape is most often used by painting contractors, it also works great for holding up temporary dust barriers. Painter's tape is also used frequently by homeowners to tackle DIY projects around the home. High quality Painter's tape does not leave a residue upon removal and does not remove paint if applied directly to a wall or other painted surface.
Duct tape: Duct tape has long been known as an all-purpose heavy duty tape for construction professionals and homeowners alike. Duct tape is stronger than Painter's masking tape but occasionally leaves residues and may strip paint upon removal. Duct tapes vary in terms of durability and thickness, and higher quality typically means higher price. Professional-quality Duct tapes last longer and work much better than cheaply made tape found at the 99 cents store.
Red Polyethylene Tape: Thick, red polyethylene tape is often referred to as "stucco tape." It is mostly used for holding up plastic around windows during stucco application to the exterior of a home. Using red polyethylene tape and plastic sheeting prevents stucco spray from damaging or otherwise dirtying windows. This prevents the need for an intensive post-stucco application cleanup.
UV-Resistant Threshold Tape: Specially-made and UV-resistant, Threshold tape is designed to protect thresholds from damage during construction. It is a 9mils thick, white, long-term surface protection material that will not leave a residue even in warmer climates. Its UV-resistance means it does not flake in the sun like other products. After installation, it can safely protect thresholds without leaving a residue for months, even in direct sunlight!
Caution Tape: While not an actual adhesive, Caution tape acts as a protective barrier all the same. It is most commonly used in construction to seal an area off or indicate the presence of hazardous substances such as lead, mold, or asbestos. Caution tape is a great tool for meeting RRP compliance laws that require signage indicating lead hazards.
These are just a few of the many types of construction tapes available to contractors today.