1. Wet surfaces: While duct tape is water resistant, it should only be used for emergency
leak repairs. Prolonged submersion in water will cause the adhesion to peel away.
2. Hot surfaces: Surfaces that reach temperatures over 140°F cause duct tape’s adhesive to soften, lose its strength, and slip from the attachment.
3. Cold surfaces: Similarly, duct tape does not work well in extreme cold. Freezing temperatures cause the adhesive to harden which diminishes its sticking power.
4. Surfaces with Prolonged Exposure to UV Light: UV light can break down the tape’s adhesive bond over time. If you need the tape to remain exposed to direct sunlight, it’s best to use a product that’s been specially treated for UV protection.
5. Uneven Surfaces: Duct tape has trouble sticking to rough surfaces such as concrete and stucco. Because it has a thin adhesive layer, duct tape is only able to make contact with the high points of a surface, which produces a weaker bond.
6. Dirty Surfaces: In order to achieve maximum adhesion, surfaces must be clean, dry, and dust or oil-free.
7. Corrugated Cardboard: Don’t use duct tape to seal cardboard boxes. These porous surfaces contain many small fibers on the surface that break away and cause the adhesive bond to fail.
8. Materials with Low Surface Energy: Materials, like Teflon, have low surface energy, which means it prevents the adhesive from “wetting out” or spreading out to form a strong bond.
9. Painted Surfaces: Applying duct tape to a surface that’s been painted or treated with another sealant means that the tape is only adhering to the surface layer and not the actual substrate.
10. Your Bottom Lip: As demonstrated here, duct tape is not ideal for use in kidnappings.